Bike Odyssey 2024: 20 - 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024


b_231_231_16777215_00_images_2014_ph1.jpg    A documentary about the toughest Mtb race will be shot during the stages of Bike Odyssey. The unique landscapes of Pindos in conjunction with the racing action will provide the appropriate material to film. The video recording will start from the stage of preparation and will cover all stages of the race. Apart from the racing action, the documentary will capture the natural beauty of Greece , picturesque mountain villages , traditions and culture , contributing to the promotion of the country abroad!


The team "1000 Dendra" comes from Thessaloniki and is represented this year - for the second consecutive year - by Frangoulis George and Samoladas Anthonios.
The group has already given sample of its abilities in mtb in last year's race where they excelled, winning 2nd place overall. Having the experience of the race, they aim at even better performance!





b_340_226_16777215_00_images_2014_pegasus.jpg    The team was created when George Tsoulouhas and Iordanis Sotiriou joined forces! Two friends who love the sport and have valuable experience in mtb as a result of their participation in many races in northern Greece and not only! Pegasus Xanthi Team comes from the beautiful city of Xanthi and will give their best in the ultimate Mtb race, "Bike Odyssey 2014"!



The Cycle Ride team consists of Gregory Kalogeropoulos and Kampouropoulos Alexis. Athletes with strength and racing experience both at home and abroad. First place in race 3 Day Odyssey 2013- this time their goal is the 8 day race. Apart from the three-day 'Bike Odyssey' they excelled in the Craft Bike Transalp, one of the toughest endurance races.





Αναζήτηση στα νέα

Το BikeOdyssey είναι ένας 8ήμερος XC (Cross Country) ποδηλατικός αγώνας που διασχίζει την οροσειρά της Πίνδου. Είναι ο δυσκολότερος αγώνας στην Ελλάδα και ένας από τους δυσκολότερους παγκοσμίως.


Συμπληρώστε τα στοιχεία σας στην παρακάτω φόρμα και θα λαμβάνετε τα ενημερωτικά emails του BikeOdyssey.


Αγίου Ιωάννου Θεολόγου 31, Γέρακας Αττικής, 15344
Ώρες Γραφείου:
Δευτέρα - Παρασκευή 10:00 - 20:00


+30 210 6613120


Fast Stats

Some fast stats:



19 800

elevation gain



