Bike Odyssey 2024: 20 - 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024



OKTAVIT is activated in Greece since 1992, with headquarters in Athens and branch in Thessaloniki and specializes in disposal of branded products and telecommunications to local manufacturers and resellers. Through flexible processes, know-how, digitized information and continuous improvement in offered services, the company responds directly to the needs of its partners and is a reference point among companies in the industry. OKTAVIT, at 20 years of successful presence in the Greek IT market, daily redefines the concepts of stability, reliability, direct and quality service and professional and personal development, in perfectly competitive operating environment.


OKTABIT offers the electronic equipment to cover the needs of the «Bike Odyssey 2014» organization.





The isotonic sports drink of the biggest sporting events in the world will be found in all "Bike Odyssey 2014" food supply points and moisturize our athletes .


POWERADE ION4, moisturize more effectively than water * and helps to give yourself for more . Designed by sports scientists to help replenish fluids and minerals lost when you sweat. Consume within a balanced diet and hygienic lifestyle .


* The carbohydrates-electrolytes solutions enhance the absorption of water during the physical activity and contributes to maintaining endurance performance during prolonged endurance performance


Αναζήτηση στα νέα

Το BikeOdyssey είναι ένας 8ήμερος XC (Cross Country) ποδηλατικός αγώνας που διασχίζει την οροσειρά της Πίνδου. Είναι ο δυσκολότερος αγώνας στην Ελλάδα και ένας από τους δυσκολότερους παγκοσμίως.


Συμπληρώστε τα στοιχεία σας στην παρακάτω φόρμα και θα λαμβάνετε τα ενημερωτικά emails του BikeOdyssey.


Αγίου Ιωάννου Θεολόγου 31, Γέρακας Αττικής, 15344
Ώρες Γραφείου:
Δευτέρα - Παρασκευή 10:00 - 20:00


+30 210 6613120


Fast Stats

Some fast stats:



19 800

elevation gain



