Bike Odyssey 2024: 20 - 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024


Mahindra The leader in Bike Odyssey race!

Bike Odyssey 2013: Mahindra vehicles are proving that they are made for hard work in the toughest conditions!

 The hardest requirements of an mtb race was present at B.O. but the Mahindra stood up to the challenge ... Having already carry out its part of the preparation of the race, the rugged vehicles were next to us throughout the race, contributing greatly to the work of the organization. They covered a lot of posts, they faced all the difficulties at the mountains of Pindos and overcame every obstacle.

The successful outcome of the event is due to our valuable partners.
The Mahindra was one of them and we are grateful for that.


























Αναζήτηση στα νέα

Το BikeOdyssey είναι ένας 8ήμερος XC (Cross Country) ποδηλατικός αγώνας που διασχίζει την οροσειρά της Πίνδου. Είναι ο δυσκολότερος αγώνας στην Ελλάδα και ένας από τους δυσκολότερους παγκοσμίως.


Συμπληρώστε τα στοιχεία σας στην παρακάτω φόρμα και θα λαμβάνετε τα ενημερωτικά emails του BikeOdyssey.


Αγίου Ιωάννου Θεολόγου 31, Γέρακας Αττικής, 15344
Ώρες Γραφείου:
Δευτέρα - Παρασκευή 10:00 - 20:00


+30 210 6613120


Fast Stats

Some fast stats:



19 800

elevation gain



