BikeOdyssey 2024: 20 - 22 of September 2024


The Rivers of Bike Odyssey

The athletes who are participating in the Bike Odyssey will ride on their bicycles on Pindos Mountains and have the opportunity to meet and explore its wild beauty. They will cross among some of the most admired and of unparalleled natural beauty rivers of Greece.




It is one of the legendary rivers of Etoloakarnania. It took its name from King Evinos, who was drowned in its waters when chased Ido who had grabbed his daughter, Princess Marpissa.

The Evinos River flows from the Vardousia Mountains, the Korakas Mountain and the Tsakouri Mountain, near the village of Artotina and flows into the Patraikos Gulf, in the village of Galatas, east of the Mesolonghi Lagoon. It is also known by the name Fidaris (fidi means snake), thanks to its serpentine course. It has a total length of 113 kilometers.

Several old stone bridges can be found in Evinos River, like Artotiva Bridge, which is the largest one-arched bridge in western Greece.

The vegetation along the river is particularly rich and consists of firs, chestnuts, cedars, willows and plane trees. Its water is abundant in freshwater fish such as trout and eel.

Evinos River is ideal for sports such as canoeing, rafting, mountaineering, hiking, mountain biking and horseback riding. 




The Tavropos River flows to the prefectures of Karditsa and Evritania. It forms the Plastira Lake where the well-known hydroelectric dam is located and provides electricity and provides electricity, water supply and irrigation in the wider region of Thessaly. It ends at the artificial lake of Kremasta.

Its length is approximately 78 km and in its course it will pass through the lush landscapes of Evritania.There is also the famous stone bridge of Viniani.




Mornos is a river in central Greece. It flows from the southern slopes of Iti and flows into the boundaries of the Corinthian and Patraikos Gulf. It has a total length of 70 km. 

At the Mornos river bed, the Mornos Dam was created. Some of its waters are transported by tunnels and pipelines to the city of Athens for water supply.




Krikellopotamos springs from the north of Krikello village and in Dipotama of Proussos joins Karpenissiotis River to form Trikeriotis River. But before it reaches that point, the river crosses narrow passages as well as the impressive Pantavrehi (means always rains) Gorge. And this river is suitable for canoeing-kayaking.

It is considered to be one of the toughest tributaries of the Acheloos River.

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BikeOdyssey is an 8 days XC (Cross Country) bike race across the Pindos mountain range, in Greece. Is the toughest race in Greece and one of the toughest mountain bike races in the world.


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19 800

elevation gain



