BikeOdyssey 2024: 20 - 22 of September 2024


Review of 8-day Bike Odyssey 2016

Sunday: Prologue

On 19.06.16 at Smixi started for the 4th consecutive year, one of the toughest races in the world, Bike Odyssey 2016. Dozens of athletes got a first idea of ​​the strong mountain bike experience on the Pindos mountain range.

In particular, the 30 athletes of the 15 teams raced in the Prologue of the eight-day race crossing 11.3 km. In this first phase the athletes did not ride in teams so the results came out by calculating the average time that did the two riders of each team. Already from this first day samples were given for the dynamic of each team and so unofficially we can say that they were divided into three groups according to their dynamic.

In 1st group are the two strongest teams of the race:


 "Old Cranks" Konstantinidis K. - Papadopoulos T.

«Old Cranks» of Konstantinidis Konstantinosand Papadopoulos Thomasb_40_27_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_1_Flag_of_Greece.svg.png




«Elecrtic Rev by Helma» of Kalogeropoulos Grigoris and Grivas Andreasb_40_27_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_1_Flag_of_Greece.svg.png


Konstantinidis with Kalogeropoulos were together throughout the race and they made a spint at the last meters with Konstantinidis finishing first over the line. The clearing between the first and second position was made by the second athletes of the teams where Papadopoulos prevails comfortable towards Grivas.

In 2st group we would say that teams are:



«SashBo Raw Bikers» of Dudek Bo and Alexandrov Alexander b_50_30_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_3_Flag_of_Bulgaria.svg.pngb_40_31_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_Flag_of_Denmark.svg.png




«JFR» of Buik Charles and Cole Simonb_40_24_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_5_Flag_of_Scotland.svg.png



«C.C. of Xanthi "The Pegasus"» of Tsoulouhas George and Kalonikidis Tasosb_40_27_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_1_Flag_of_Greece.svg.png




«Canyons» of Papanikolaou Konstantinos and Angelakis Panagiotisb_40_27_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_1_Flag_of_Greece.svg.png




«Vernon Endurance / TSIAS Dramas» of Kotopoulos Thodoris and Tsiavtaris Mikeb_40_27_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_1_Flag_of_Greece.svg.png




«» of Fragkoulis Georgios and Samoladas Antonios  b_40_27_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_1_Flag_of_Greece.svg.png


In the third group are the rest of the teams:



«MLC» of Zotos Michael and Papadopoulos Panagiotisb_40_27_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_1_Flag_of_Greece.svg.png




«Diaolou Kaltses» of Klapanara Elena and Diakaki Elenib_40_27_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_1_Flag_of_Greece.svg.png



«Les Cataxelles» of Hutin Catherine and Croce Axelleb_40_27_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_4_Flag_of_France.svg.png



«Good Guys» of Deutch Shomi and Ben Shalom Yossi b_40_29_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_2_Flag_of_Israel.svg.png



«MTB Bears Kozani» of Karatzetzos Aristidis and Skordas Paschalisb_40_27_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_1_Flag_of_Greece.svg.png



«Wingy Pedals» of Exarchos George and Konstantinou Dimitriosb_40_27_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_1_Flag_of_Greece.svg.png



«Kastrinoi Koursaroi" of Kaleboubas Michael and Psylakis Nikosb_40_27_16777215_00_images_2016_flags_1_Flag_of_Greece.svg.png


Monday: 1st Stage Smixi-Kalliroi

One of the most difficult stages starts and the teams have to ride a distance of 112,82km with 3.219m elevation gain. The day confirms that dominant team is «Old Cranks» as, although Konstantinidis had a flat tire, it managed to increase its lead over the second team «Electric Rev by Helma».
In this stage began and the game for the 2nd group of the teams. In 3rd place is finishing the team «JFR» which is chasing the C.C. of Xanthi «The Pegasus». The biggest loss is the finish of the team «SashBo Raw Bikers» which displaced from third position of the previous day and is finishing in 7th place. Also, the team «Canyons» loses two positions as is finishing in 8th place.

In 3rd group the team «MLC» remains steadily in 9th position, while the team «Diaolou Kaltes» loses two positions finishing in 12th place allowing the opponent female team «Les Cataxelles» to climb in Overall. Also, the team «Kastrinoi Koursaroi» makes an excellent appearance and from the last position climbs to the 11th position! Last are finishing the two teams that are in the Senior Masters category, as the sum of their ages is more than 101 years, «Good Guys» and «Wingy Pedals».

Tuesday: 2nd Stage Kalliroi-Pyli

The second stage starts and is faster than the previous because the athletes have to cross 81,52km with 2.608m elevation gain, but holds us an unpleasant surprise. We have the first withdrawal! The «Vernon Endurance / TSIAS Dramas» team which won Bike Odyssey 2014 with athletes who have participated and the 4 years abandons the race, leaving everybody flabbergasted as it was consideredas one of the teams that it will won a medal.
All teams that were below them in the classification automatically climb to a better position. In the first place remains the team «Old Cranks», which begins to open the gap from the second «ElectricRev by Helma».
In 3rd position begins to establish also the team «JFR», while the C.C of Xanthi «The Pegasus» manages to maintain the fourth position in the overall classification despite it finished in 6th place. In General Classification in 5th place climbs the team «SashBo Raw Bikers», which seems to returns finishing in 4th place. A few meters behind in 5th position finishes the team «», which seems to maintain more stable performance. In the 7th place team «Canyons» seems to be removed slowly from 2nd group and the first signs of fatigue begin to emerge.
In 3rd group the positions remain the same as the teams have a stable output.

Wednesday: 3rd Stage Pyli-Agrafa

Another difficult stage with a lot of elevation (82,78 km with 3.343 m elevation gain) and a lot of heat, testing the stamina of athletes.
The team «Old Cranks» makes it look so easy and continues to build a difference from the team «Electric Rev by Helma» to 36 '.
In third place once again finishes the team «JFR» which seems to lock its position in the top three, although it is early and the competition is fierce. The C.C of Xanthi «The Pegasus» loses valuable time finishing in 5th place, while directly in front finishes in the fourth position the team «». 6th finishes the team «SashBo Raw Bikers» losing a position in the General Classification and seems to be the most unstable team.
The team «Les Cataxelles»finishes in 7th place building such a difference that leaves and in the ranking of the stage and in General Classification in the 8th place the team «MLC», which performance falls because Zotos is feeling sick. Is falling day by day also the performance of the team «Diaolou Kaltses» and surrenders its position to «MTB Bears Kozani». Stably at the last places finish the teams «Good Guys» and «Wingy Pedals».
However, the second loss for the organization comes in this stage. The team «Canyons» separated more than 2 minutes during the whole stage, so was excluded from the organization under the Regulations. Despite that fact, Papanikolaou and Angelakis decided to continue riding separately for the rest of the race unofficially of course.

Thursday: 4th Stage Agrafa-Krikello

The hardest stage of the race with 118,72km and 3.792m elevation gain is the ultimate test of the whole race!
The teams «Sash Bo Raw Bikers» and «Good Guys» lose the ability to join officially the stage. The Alexandrov withdraw the race and excluded and Deutch because he feels sick does not get start. Their teammates Dudek and Ben Shalom start normally.
The first two positions are not changed and the difference between the teams «Old Cranks» and «Electric Rev by Helma» continues to rise after the second being unlucky with enough flat tires.
The C.C. of Xanthi «The Pegasus» conquered the 3rd place and got 40’ difference from the 4th «JFR», but it is not enough to catchit up in Overall. In 5th place will be the team «» and the team «Les Cataxelles» wins a position in the Overall’s podium finishing in 6th place. In seventh place finishes the team «Kastrinoi Κoursaroi» leaving behind the «MLC» and follow the teams «MTB Bears Kozani» and «Diaolou Kaltses». The team «Wingy Pedals» although it is last, manages to finish this stage too, a bet that has been won, as the team had left this stage in 2014.

Friday: 5th Stage Krikello-Ath. Diakos

The fifth stage is easier with 86,71km and 2.764m elevation gain. The weather also helps the task of the athletes with lower temperatures, but in the mountains the fog made their visibility bad. In this part of the race, the athletes of the 3-Day Bike Odyssey join the battle.
In the two first positions are and this time the usual suspects, the teams «Old Cranks» and «Electric Rev by Helma».
In third place finishes the team «JFR» that does not give up and gets a big difference from the 4th C.C. of Xanthi «The Pegasus». In 5th and 6th place lock their places the teams «» and «LesCataxelles» respectively.The team «Kastrinoi Koursaroi» although finished in 8th place behind the «MLC», do not lose the 7th place in Overall as the difference that they built in previous days was quite big. Then follow the teams «Diaolou Kaltses» and "Wingy Pedals".
Ben Shalom of team «Good Guys» was forced to abandon at the 2nd checkpoint due to excessive fatigue.

Saturday: 6th Stage Ath. Diakos-Ano Chora

The 6th stage of 84,42km with 2.119m elevation gain starts and athletes this time have to face the weather: wind, rain, and in some places even hail.
The first two positions remain unchanged while the in third place finishes the C.C. of Xanthi «The Pegasus» leaving in 4th place the team «JFR». The rest teams finished steady in their places while Kaleboubas from the team «Κastrinoi Koursaroi» did not finished the stage losing a position in Overall.

Sunday: 7th Stage Ano Chora-Nafpaktos

The last stage of the race is the shortest of the whole event with 51.69km and 1.046m elevation gain and in substance the athletes descend in order to finish by the sea.
Winner of the race emerges the team «Old Cranks» and the 2nd place wins the team «Electric Rev by Helma».
In third place finished the C.C. of Xanthi «The Pegasus» but remains in 4th place of Overall having about 25' difference from the third "JFR".
5th place wins the team «» losing time in the downhill trails that it is not too strong. The «» rode unchanged for the 4th year in a row to the last kilometer of Bike Odyssey and in total rode about 2.400km in four years!
In 6th place stably finished the team «Les Cataxelles» and a women's team won the last position on the podium!
In the seventh place finished the team «MLC» while in 8th place the«MTB ΒearsKozani», which had as goal the completion of the race since last year it had abandoned.
The surprise of the entire event is the team «Wingy Pedals» belonging to category Senior Masters and finished inside the top 10 and specifically in 9th place winning the admiration of all! Exarchos and Konstantinou taught us a nice moral, that it does not matter how quickly you accomplish your goal but to accomplish it!
In 10th place is ranked the 2nd female team «Diaolou Kaltses» because it took a penalty in the last stage.
Kaleboubas of «Kastrinoi Koursaroi»team does not get started and the team falls to 11th place in the classification and the 12th place wins another team from abroad, the «Good Guys». 

And like this completed and the Bike Odyssey 2016 ...

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BikeOdyssey is an 8 days XC (Cross Country) bike race across the Pindos mountain range, in Greece. Is the toughest race in Greece and one of the toughest mountain bike races in the world.


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Fast Stats

Some fast stats:



19 800

elevation gain



