BikeOdyssey 2024: 20 - 22 of September 2024


5 athletes for 4th consecutive year in Bike Odyssey!

b_229_239_16777215_00_images_2016_4th-time.jpgBike Odyssey 2016, one of the most difficult and demanding mountain bike races in the world, returns for 4th consecutive year and with it return and 5 athletes, fans of the race. These athletes have taken part in the three previous years and have registered for 2016! We present them to you...

Fragoulis George – Samoladas Antonis
The two men are constituting the team “”, the only team that has participated unchanged and the four years!

The following athletes participated with a different teammate every time:
Kotopoulos Thodoris (Vernon Endurance)
Tsiavtaris Michael (Tsias Dramas)
Tsoulouhas George (

The organization of Bike Odyssey honors these athletes making specially for them number plates with the mark "4th Consecutive Year".


To Bike Odyssey 2016, ένας από τους πιο δύσκολους και απαιτητικούς αγώνες ορεινής ποδηλασίας στο κόσμο, επιστρέφει για 4η συνεχόμενη χρονιά και επιστέφει μαζί με Νο αθλητές, οπαδούς του αγώνα:

Φραγκούλης Γιώργος – Σαμολαδάς Αντώνης

Οι δυο τους αποτελούν την ομάδα “”, την μόνη ομάδα που έχει συμμετάσχει αυτούσια και τις τέσσερις χρονιές!

Οι ακόλουθοι αθλητές συμμετείχαν με διαφορετικό συναθλητή κάθε φορά:

Τσουλουχάς Γιώργος

Κοτόπουλος Θοδωρής

Τσιαβτάρης Μιχάλης

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BikeOdyssey is an 8 days XC (Cross Country) bike race across the Pindos mountain range, in Greece. Is the toughest race in Greece and one of the toughest mountain bike races in the world.


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Agiou Ioannou Theologou 31, Gerakas, Greece 15344
Office hours:
Monday - Friday 10h - 20h


+30 210 6613120


Fast Stats

Some fast stats:



19 800

elevation gain



