BikeOdyssey 2024: 20 - 22 of September 2024


Another quite remarkable registration comes from the city of Xanthi, with Xanthi Team 1, consisted from Giorgos Tsoulouhas and Sotiriou Iordanis.

Two passionate riders with plenty of experience that will increase competition.

Both rides have continuously presence at races in Greece with good results and many trophies!

“Bike Odyssey” will organize and present an exhibition that will take place at the starting area of the race the day before the race and the day of the prologue.  Visitors and athletes will be able to take a look at cycling products from various companies and brands.
This exhibition will include bicycles, parts and accessories from well known companies in the area as well as newcomers. At the same time race report and other related activities will take place. Part of the exhibition will continue to occur until the end of Bike Odyssey.

A special - shaped  plaque embossed with the logo of the race will be awarded to the first team of the overall classification.

The winning team of all categories having completed eight days of this  race- challenge, will be honored with the prize for the winner in a special closing ceremony!

After we received some advice from experts - meteorologists concerning the weather conditions in the region of Pindus during April,

we decided to transfer «Bike Odyssey» race at the last week of May 2013.

The race will then take place from May 26 to June 2, 2013.


The Pindos Mountains are known for their fertile slopes, valleys and natural pastures that give locals pure ingredients to produce a wide variety of products.
In every village-station of the race a small celebration will take place! Locals will offer delicious food to the participants of Bike Odyssey. Traditional clubs, local entrepreneurs and all residents will have the opportunity to participate in this big festive and show the best face of Greek hospitality while sustaining local communities.

Registration cost is 400€ / athlete for the first 20 teams. For the rest the cost is 500€/ athlete.

Your registration  gives you practically everything you need to get from the start to the finish, both on and off your bike! You will have access to the following:

You will have FREE ACCESS to the following basics:


An essential prerequisite for the race to take place -with all the extra/ premium goods and services- is completing the 70% of registered teams by 30/12/2012. The upper limit for the teams to take place is 250. So by this time, 175 teams should have made the registration through the online form. If by this time if the 70% is not reached the race will take place but only the basic goods and services will be provided. The final decision about the race edition (premium or basic) will be taken and announced after the December 30th 2012.
From the moment we meet the minimum participation, registered participants will have to cover the cost of participation  from 1/1/2013 to 31/1/2013.

Once the upper limit of 250 teams is reached the rest of the applicants will form a waiting list.

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Quality SA is a printing solutions company that will provide high quality printing services to Bike Odyssey race.

Quality was founded in 2000 and since then it has been turned into one of the most reliable companies in its field.

Through their qualified staff, cutting-edge equipment and experience the result is guaranteed!

quality , high quality web hosting company  will support this great venture by being responsible for our official web page.

JustHost is a company with unique experience in web hosting. Its staff will develop, design, host and maintain the race's official site.


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BikeOdyssey is an 8 days XC (Cross Country) bike race across the Pindos mountain range, in Greece. Is the toughest race in Greece and one of the toughest mountain bike races in the world.


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Agiou Ioannou Theologou 31, Gerakas, Greece 15344
Office hours:
Monday - Friday 10h - 20h


+30 210 6613120


Fast Stats

Some fast stats:



19 800

elevation gain



