Bike Odyssey - Pindos Cross-Country 8 days Race - The toughest mtb race in Greece.
The preparation of the race-2013: Routes in mountainous Greece:
Shooting-editing: Vardaros Xenophon / / Photo: Alina Lefa
Bike Odyssey - Pindos Cross-Country 8 days Race - The toughest mtb race in Greece.
The preparation of the race-2013: Routes in mountainous Greece:
Shooting-editing: Vardaros Xenophon / / Photo: Alina Lefa
Take a look at the video we recently shot! This a part of day 8 route!
Τα παρακάτω video είναι ενδεικτικά και αποσκοπούν στο να δώσουν μία γενικότερη εικόνα των περιοχών. Σύντομα θα αντικατασταθούν με video αντιπροσωπευτικά του αγώνα
Bike Odyssey - Pindos Cross-Country 8 days Race - The toughest mtb race in Greece.
The preparation of the race-2013: Routes in mountainous Greece:
Shooting-editing: Vardaros Xenophon / / Photo: Alina Lefa
BikeOdyssey is an 8 days XC (Cross Country) bike race across the Pindos mountain range, in Greece. Is the toughest race in Greece and one of the toughest mountain bike races in the world.